The soup tasted a little spicy, sourish and very aromatic. An appetising soup that my hubby keeps drinking it when I brought it to the table. He was perspiring and yet said 'it's okay, the soup is really good, I doubt if I can get this at the food outlets'. Believe me, it is good.
Recipe Source - Yum Yum magazine [with modifications]
Thai Style Hot and Sour Seafood Soup
No doubt, quite a bit of ingredients may be needed for this soup but it is an easy soup to cook as most ingredients are available in the kitchen and home garden. I used white fish fillet but prawns, squids or clams are good substitutes for fish. Noodles can also be added to the soup if not serving with rice.
The soup tasted a little spicy, sourish and very aromatic. An appetising soup that my hubby keeps drinking it when I brought it to the table. He was perspiring and yet said 'it's okay, the soup is really good, I doubt if I can get this at the food outlets'. Believe me, it is good.
Recipe Source - Yum Yum magazine [with modifications]
[serves 3]
300 gm fish fillet - sliced [any white fish fillet]
2-3 kaffir lime leaves
some coriander leaves
Ingredients for Soup Stock
3 chilli padi - sliced
5 slices of galangal
3 pips garlic - sliced
3 shallots - sliced
2 lemongrass - crushed
700-800 ml water
Seasoning to taste
1 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp fish sauce
2 tbsp lime juice
- Bring water and ingredients for soup stock to boil over high heat in a soup pot, then lower heat to simmer for about 30 minutes.
- Discard the solid ingredients. Bring soup to boil again and add in fish slices and seasoning. Cook until done. Taste to adjust seasoning.
- Lastly add in kaffir lime leaves and serve immediately with coriander leaves.
Notes: Visit this site for its' Nutritional Facts [here]